States We've Been To So Far

So far, we have been to the following states:

We started in Alaska and floated to British Columbia, then drove to Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and here to Oklahoma.

The middle of the country is infested by black flies. When I was a kid some environmentalist taught us that the presence of black flies was a sign of clean and healthy local streams. If that is true, then this part of the country must have some very clean streams. Whenever we stop anywhere, a dozen flies immediately fly in our open doors or windows. They must be looking for shade or maybe we smell good. When we start driving, we end up spending fifteen minutes trying to shoo flies back out the windows.

1 comment:

  1. hi Nick and the story on the black annoying was that? The menu at the chi chi hotel sounded fab. That's really making lemonade (with wine!) out of a lemon situaion.
    Happy highway travels as you make your way East. Can't wait to see you. xo Mom/Susan
