Here is another thing you can do with the engine data: look at the length of car trips. A trip is defined as turning on and off the engine, so it counts if you drive across the parking lot or across the state.
It turns out that Ashleigh and I definitely spend most of our time with very short trips. Counting only trips above a few minutes in length, you can see that we spend eighty percent of time on trips under an hour in length. Only a small number of trips are over two hours long, and the longest is a few minutes shy of three hours.
This makes sense. We rarely have days where we just drive like crazy as far as possible, and when we do have the occasion to do that, we would normally stop every hour or two for food, water, bathroom, stretch, take a picture, or do something.
There have been 47 trips under one minute in length. The average trip length has been 22 minutes.
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